
Vitamins & Minerals

Our body requires an array of vitamins and minerals in different quantities to ensure proper functioning of body cells and organ systems. Due to improper diet or malabsorption as a result of illness we do not always get the nutrients our body requires. At the OEHC we offer IV vitamins and minerals to patients with deficiencies after careful consideration by Dr. Armstrong. The OEHC recommends always consulting with a health care professional before beginning a supplementation regime.

A few examples of the biological effects of vitamins and minerals:

Magnesium: The most common mineral deficiency. Magnesium supports over 300 enzyme systems in the body.

Zinc: Zinc supports over 100 enzyme systems within the body and is extremely important for the immune system. Zinc deficiency adversely effects physical growth, immune function, reproductive health, neuro-behavioral development, and detoxification. 

Vitamin A: Promotes integrity and healing of epithelial tissues, such as skin, gastrointestinal tract, conjunctiva, and respiratory tract. Vitamin A also enhances immune function and resistance against infection.

Beta Carotene: Antioxidant, and enhances immune function.

Thiamine: Involved in energy metabolism and functioning of the nervous system.

Lipoic Acid: Aids in normalization of elevated liver enzymes

Riboflavin: Involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Cofactor for enzymes related to ocular tissues; may help maintain tissue levels of reduced glutathione.

Folic Acid: Involved in DNA metabolism, central nervous system function, immune function and homocysteine/methylation metabolism.

Vitamin B6 and B12: Energy metabolism, nervous system function, immune function, homocysteine/methylation metabolism.

Vitamin C: Promotes tissue healing and tissue integrity; enhances immune function, antihistamine,  anti-viral, antibacterial.

Vitamin D: Calcium absorption and metabolism

Vitamin K: Activates certain blood clotting factors. Required for the synthesis of the bone protein osteocalcin.